Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Two-Way Links

The recent and ongoing learning of government knowledge and data gathering using digital technology continues to increase the apprehension of many people across the world.  A conversation has been created about the role and use of technology as it relates to the knowledge of what each of us do, who we converse with, where we go (both physically and online), and what we are interested in (as evidenced by our online searches).  It's above my pay-grade to understand and comment on whether or not these efforts are making us safer or putting us at greater risk, but I do know that technology continues to invade and redefine what is considered personal and proprietary information. 

What is that information? 

Jaron Lanier, in a recent interview in San Francisco Magazine with reporter Scott Lucas said this, "I'm building on the very first idea for a network, which is based on two-way links; that is if your data is being used by somebody else, there is always a link back to you so that you know if and how it is being used. You could set your own price for it - and if you didn't get paid, you could shut off access." 

I find his idea fascinating.  Two-way links would make each of our life patterns, interests and activities all pieces of intellectual property. 

What a new definition of supply and demand this "marketplace" might create.

(For a further faith based application of this post you can visit: http://purposedworking.blogspot.com/)

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