As we approach the Fourth of July I am reminded of the price people have paid throughout history for their independence. I am talking now of independence with a capital "I". You know, the independence of freedom to worship, freedom to speak, freedom from slavery, freedom from tyranny, independence of thought and grouping of people. Many have paid high prices, including their lives for this level of independence and we all stand on the shoulders of those in front of us as we reap the fruit of their labor, courage and convictions. And then there is independence with a little "i" that pales in comparison really, but we seek it out nearly as fervently as those who were seeking after the capital "I". This independence is the freedom we feel financially and professionally to be able to retire, call our own shots, be our own boss, or own our own business. Today, I got some time on the beach here in RI and as I sat with my James Fenimore Cooper book "Pioneers", without my cell phone/PDA (why do I need to take it to the beach...Patti is here with me, so who else will call and need me urgently?), I listened as cell phones rang throughout the afternoon and blackberrys/PDAs were being used to conduct business/emails while on the beach. Juxtaposed with this were two conversations I had this morning with two different friends. One on his way to leaving his job and going to work for a startup because it is time to for him to have a financial breakthrough that could lead to his financial freedom and independence. The other friend wanting to leave his job and start his own thing for a few years before he retires just so he can get out from under having to work for others and become his own boss...loking for freedom and independence. Both seeking the little "i" independence. As I sat on the beach watching people cut into their vacation and family time to keep up with work, I counted myself blessed to be able to leave the phone at the house this year. You pay a price for independence and it comes with lots of the emotions and "stuff" that keeps me writing this 100 Business Days Out series, but at the end of the day, the price of independence should be whatever price you think is worth it, because it is worth it. As for me, I am looking forward to my first, capital "I" Independence Day celebration, with my little "i" independence secure.
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