It's only fitting that on day 66 of my 100 Business Days out that I would be thinking of the routes back home. This being the second Wednesday of the month, it was usually a demarcation day for me with a monthly Board of Directors meeting, a monthly meeting of church stuff (Sunday school teachers, etc.) and the monthly Wednesday that marked the week before other Board meetings that would occur in the following week. But today came and went without any of that but what was interesting to me was that without thinking what day it was, I kind of instinctively knew what day and what week of the month it was. And for the first time, I got a little homesick. Well, not homesick maybe as much as a little, "worksick". I know, you are saying, "what the heck is he talking about, that's the last thing I would be, and who gets worksick? That's crazy." Okay, call me crazy but that's me. I guess it takes a lot longer to get it out of your blood than you think. I had a few minutes with one of our neighbors here in Quonnie today. He is in late 70's or early 80's I guess. He asked me how it was "not working" and I talked to him for a bit and he very astutely said, "don't worry about it, I still miss it too sometimes". So, I guess we all have a route back that we long for, like the Route 66 song. Sometimes it is a place, sometimes it is memory, sometimes it is person, and I guess sometimes it could be all of that together and have a little work in it too.
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