Yesterday was a 12 hour day. Of course it was a 12 hour was a 24 hour day in actuality, but for me it was a 12 hour day of meetings back to back, the first day like that for me in 51 days. And you know what, there was muscle memory. As I traditionally do, I look at my calender for the next day the night before so that before I go to sleep I have a good idea of what the next day will hold and I let my brain process on it for a night. As I looked at the calendar I saw back to back meetings starting at 7:30AM and me getting home around 8:00PM at night. I smiled and said to myself, "this looks familar". And in the morning, I bounded out of bed at 5:45AM, did my morning devotional time, ran, and then got on with it. At the end of the day, I was wiped, but I felt good about the day and the muscle memory that comes from the years of back to back days like this. It was just a reminder to me that some muscles don't atrophy as fast as others and that one can answer the bell when called.
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