Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Caddying The Load

Finishing up the last weeks of summer can feel like you are carrying three months of work back into the office. No matter how hard you try to ensure that you have "kept up" there are things that just got pushed to the back burner all summer and when talk turns to Labor Day, well, here comes the work.

Carrying the load and the bags of work is all part of the job.

For some people that is what they do, they "carry" the bags of others. And, they usually get looked down on because that is their job. I have been in many a job where it was my responsibility to carry the bags of my bosses and I always felt that it was an important part of business and an honor. It's kind of like the caddy for a pro golfer. Without them, a pro golfer wouldn't get too far. They are there for knowledge, instinct, advice, counsel, nerve-calming, encouragement, and strength.

I know a very high profile executive in a very high profile job right now who could use someone like this. He needs someone with him to fill in the gaps in his skill set and his intuition. Without someone to help him he has a hard time navigating certain areas. With someone by his side, he is the full picture. The problem is that he thinks he is the full equation regardless and doesn't recognize his deficiencies.

Many a person is like him and miss so many opportunities because they don't let others carry the bags and some of the load.

(For a further faith based application of this post you can visit: here)

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